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I have some good news about average penis size. It is actually SMALLER than almost every guy out there thinks it is. The problem with men is that we spend so much time comparing ourselves to the other erect penises we see, but the ONLY other erect penises we see are in adult films! That's like comparing our heights with NBA stars! This article reveals the TRUTH about average penis size and how you can grow if you still don't measure up!
What is the TRUTH about average penis size? The truth is, the average penis is only 6.5 inches long and 5 inches around! Also true is the fact that over TWO-THIRDS of men measure between 6 and 7 inches, with the balance being split between under 6 inches and over 7 inches. That means that only 16% of men measure over 7 inches, and even fewer measure over 8 inches! Those penises you see in adult films are the exception, not the rule!
Okay, I'm still too small. How can I grow? Forget about pills or pumps. The only VIABLE options you have are surgery and natural enlargement exercises. I chose natural exercises for financial reasons and because I am paranoid when it comes to my safety. Done carefully and correctly, hand traction exercises on the penis have no associated risks. You GENTLY use your hands to locate each of the soft tissue chambers that make your penile shaft and then you gently use your thumb and forefinger to put traction on them. Over time, this will cause cell regeneration which results in gains in both length and girth. I went from 5.5 inches to VERY well hung, and I started seeing gains within two weeks!
See also: Buying penis enlargement pills online