A healthy penis is a happy penis, so what can men do to make sure their prize possession is up to snuff? Here are some solutions that all men can benefit from: Natural penus enlargement.
If your doctor told you that your penis can be enlarged only with pills and surgery then it is time you stopped seeing him. I am telling you that you can increase your penis size by just spending 6 minutes each day for 5 days a week and no cost at all. Now you don't have to worry about side-effects or painful surgical procedures that could possibly leave you disfigured. Read on and you will surely find out one easy way to all your BIG problems.
Exercise - Well yes it is a good thing that you exercise. It will keep your heart and your body healthy. But, I am not talking about the exercise that you do at the gym. This is a special exercise that you would have to do in private. You could try it at the gym too, but I think the management would probably never let you come back!
See also: Natural penus enlargementSo what is it that I am going on and on about? Hold on to your horses guys. I mean it literally.
Okay, jokes aside you have one penile enlargement exercise that you would have to do on a daily basis. Now make sure your penis is semi-hard then lubricate it well with baby lotion or some oil. Take a hand towel for better grip and hold your penis with it. Now start pulling your penis away from the crotch, once your hand is at the head keep pulling your penis gently for 6 minutes. Now this exercise would break-down your penile tissues and would start re-building them. During this reconstruction more blood is prone to flow to your penis and would make it look larger.
There you go. Just by spending 30 minutes a week you are going to have a larger penis size without pills or surgery or the huge bills after the surgery.
See also: Natural penus enlargement