The term "male enhancement" is really a broad subject and it refers to the different kinds of products on the market that focus on making men's organs even bigger. Male enhancement products come in several different kinds, and each of these products has a different way of helping men to attain a much better performance in bed. For example: Best penis supplements.
Penis enlargement exercises are great because they are one of the few methods that doesn't require you to spend hundreds on pills or devices that ultimately have a track record of delivering horrid results for how much you paid for them. While exercise guides exist, the great thing about this method is that you can start for free. In this article I'm going to briefly go over 3 exercises you can start making into a routine for penis growth:
Before beginning any exercise: Before you try any of these, it is important to warm up. A typical penis enlargement warm up will involve wrapping your penis in a warm, wet towel for a couple minutes to get the blood flowing. You'll want to get yourself semi-erect before starting, but not completely hard. About 75-80% of a full erection is perfect for exercising and will result in the most responsive and fast results.
See also: Best penis supplementsExercise #1) Horizontal Motion: Begin this exercise by making a ring out of your thumb and forefinger, sort of like an "OK" sign. Do this with both hands, placing one right around the base of your penis and the other around the tip. At this point, after lubricating your penis with lotion or traditional lube, begin moving the tip hand down the shaft of your penis, squeezing firmly but gently until it meets the base hand. Now slowly bring the tip hand back to its starting position. Reps of this exercise are excellent for both length and thickness gains.
Exercise #2) The Jelq: While many of you may have heard of the Jelq, it is an exercise that is most effective when used in conjunction with others and therefore I decided to place it here among 2 other exercises. The Jelq begins the same as horizontal motion, but with only one hand (the base one). Squeeze with your hand and move it to the tip of your penis, all the time feeling the blood move through it as you squeeze. Once you reach the tip, repeat this motion with your other hand, forming a cycle of this motion. The jelq is primarily a length exercise.
Exercise #3) Kegels: Kegels are an excellent way to not only increase penis width, but more important increase your control over orgasm. Someone who has a strong PC muscle, the muscle worked by this exercise, can last longer in bed and have longer, more intense orgasms. To do this exercise you'll actually wanted to be fully erect and standing. Tighten the muscle at the base of your penis and your penis should "hop" upwards quickly. Hold this for the count of 5, then release. Repeat this as many times as you can.
See also: Best penis supplements