Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What is the best way to enlarge penis. How to Enlarge the Penis Naturally

What is the best way to enlarge penis

What is the best way to enlarge penis

If you want to know how to enlarge the penis naturally then what you are about to learn could turn you from a chump in the bedroom to a champ! When I began with penis enlargement I wanted to find a way to enlarge my penis naturally and I did lots of research and bought lots of products. The result was that, after much failing, I found the methods that made my penis grow by over 3 inches - and here they are...

How to Enlarge the Penis Naturally and Safely

There are two methods which stand out as safe and natural forms of penis enlargement and these are the two which I'll be focusing on. They have both been shown to deliver results consistently for men who seek a bigger penis and they're both quickly gaining recognition for their success.

Penis Exercises - This is a very popular choice of male enhancement. If you see an exercise site which sells a guide DON'T buy it. You can get the information for free without having to spend your hard-earned wages! Exercises are called 'Jelqs' and they involve forcing the blood from the base to the tip of the penis. The best thing about exercises is that you use your bare hands, rather than some costly ineffective device.

There are a few drawbacks. While it is one method of learning how to enlarge the penis naturally, some men who perform the jelq too hard simply become permanently impotent as they damage their penis. The most common complaint is that blood vessels burst and the penis aches. That's because you're jelqing too much or too hard. The way to stop this is by jelqing less but the dilema that many men face is that they then don't see growth.

My advice is to experiment and if you find it failing or hurting then stop. That said, some guys report gains of 0.5 inches per year consistently. So in 3 years you could be a whole 1.5 inches bigger!

Natural Penis Enlargement: Using Biochemicals - This method is not widely known about but it's what I attribute my 3 inches of growth in under 6 months to. What it does is to restart chain-reactions in the body which cause growth. These chain reactions stopped when puberty ended but you can trick the body into starting them again. It's very cutting-edge and very clever. And it works!

Make sure you do your research when you try to discover how to enlarge the penis naturally. It simply isn't worth buying trash every week as you could damage your penis and your wallet.

What is the best way to enlarge penis

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