Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Male penis enhancers. An Investigation Into How Long it is Going to Take to Get Your Penis 1" Longer From Hand Exercises

Male penis enhancers

Male penis enhancers

Men today are not really sure about whether they want to dedicate themselves to penis hand exercises, because they just really don't know how long it will take for them to get 2-3 inches of size increases. Perhaps, the first thing one should understand is that this is similar to a muscle workout routine, even though the penis is not a muscle, it requires the same dedication to make it larger.

So, typically, how long does it take to gain just an inch of length?

On average, it takes 3-4 months, to gain an inch of size. To get to this point, in this amount of time, you need to dedicate yourself to working out four to five times a week. Each time you work out, it will be for thirty to forty minutes. That is approximately over two hours of commitment each week. This is one of the ways you know this is totally possible, because you actually have to do work to get results. Unlike magical penis pills, that claim to make you an inch larger in a month, these exercises take months to work. But once you achieve the gains, there is no maintenance required, and you have the added size for life.

What happens if I don't workout 4-5 times a week, will I still get bigger, and how long it will it take to see increases?

If you skimp on these exercises, and do them for 10 minutes, twice a week, not much is going to happen. It is similar to what would happen to if you worked out your muscles or lungs for that long every week. Not too much would happen. Your soft penis size may increase in size, and you would notice it in the mirror, but you're not going to be able to measure your size increases with this little effort. The gains you do see will take several months as well.

Is there any way I can get inches bigger much faster? Any secrets tips?

Nope, there are not shortcuts to getting this much bigger. Just as in weight lifting, if you workout one day for five hours, you are going to do damage to yourself, and it will actually cause problems instead of make you grow. So, in short, the fastest way is to be safe, be consistent, and go for 30 to 40 minutes, 4 to 5 times a week, until you can measure an inch of gains. Once you see that inch, you will be inspired to keep going for more.

Male penis enhancers

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